What a day for a bike ride

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Just when I think I'll be wearing my rainjacket for the rest of my bicycling life, we get hit with a day like this — sunny, temp in the high 40s, calm, did I mention sunny?

After suffering through weeks of windstorms, snowstorms, freezing temperatures and rain, lots of rain, cyclists up here by the hundreds emerged into the sunshine for their rides on Saturday.

Here's what I enjoyed on today's bike ride:

Views of the snow-covered Olympics, Cascades, Mount Rainier and Mount Baker; passages through four parks and a small airport; the crossing of two bridges and a bike pier through a swamp; and a ride along Lake Washington for miles and miles. And all this in a two-hour ride. (Seattle area cyclists can probably guess this loop.)

More of the same weather is forecast for Sunday. Like the guy in the 2006 Seattle to Portland windbreaker told me: “It's a good day to find out how out of shape you are.”

Photo of cyclist climbing grade on I-90 bridge, crossing Lake Washington. That's Mercer Island across the way and the snow-capped Cascades in the distance.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/01/28/what-a-day-for-a-bike-ride/


    • www.mommiesplayground.com on July 9, 2015 at 7:47 pm
    • Reply

    Perfectly composed content material, Really enjoyed reading.

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