Wisconsin bike group removes director

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Looks like the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin might be searching for a new executive director.

The Wisconsin bicycle advocacy group's executive committee has removed Darwin Ward, executive director since the fall of 2002, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. No explanation was given for the removal.

According to an e-mail from the interim co-director, the governing board of the 2,600-member association “has a vision for a new direction … to realize the Bike Fed's full potential, this vision requires new leadership.”

Members were surprised by the action and some were disturbed by the way it happened. Member Pamela Barrett said it might be difficult to find a new exec “if the understanding is that she or he can be fired, without notice, as standard operating procedure.”

The statewide nonprofit makes lobbying efforts in the state Legislature on behalf of bicycling, prints newsletters and an annual event guide, provides bicycle education classes, and sponsors a bike to work week and supports other commuting activities across the state.

The group feted Tour de France winner Floyd Landis in Madison last fall, raising $35,000 for the organization.

Much much more about the issue at Chippewa.com.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/01/27/wisconsin-bike-group-removes-director/

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