More bicycle stuff at Consumer Electronics Show

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Apparently there was more for bicycling at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this past week than a Motorola CEO pedaling around on a yellow bike to sell cell phone chargers (See CES: Bicycle as decoration or function?).

In a weekend wrap-up, a couple ofSeattle Timesreporters told about the helmet camera, a PCGamer bike and iPod bicycle speakers they stumpled across at the event.

Oregon Scientific had the ATC2K Waterproof ActionCamera (above, not on bike helmet). The half-pound camera allows hands-free shooting for full color digital video in 640X480 at 30 frames per second.

It can be mounted on a helmet, and it's waterproof, so shooting your next rainy bike ride won't mess up the works. Much more info at the website.

Available now only in its small version, the PCGamerBike Recumbent from 3D Innovations is scheduled to be on the market in February. Basically, the faster you pedal forward, the faster you move in your virtual world. Ditto for pedaling backwards.

While it works with many PC games, it also has exercise tracking software so you can record how many real calories you burn while you bicycle through your virtual environment. Also said to be ideal for Island Worlds cyber-fitness software. More here.

The iHome 2 Go Cycler is an iPod speaker system for your bike that rides where your water bottle should go. The polycarbonate cylindrical case is waterproof and contains the docking station for your iPod. A remote control goes on your handlebar, right next to the bike computer, light system, GPS system, and bike bell. This also is due out in a couple of months.

Couldn't find a picture at the company website. Check out the Seattle Times CES coverage.

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