Dave Moulton's near-death bicycling experience

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Bicycling blogger and former bicycle framebuilder Dave Moulton writes about his collision with an SUV last week in Charleston, South Carolina.

Moulton says he was flying along when an SUV made a left turn in front of him. He suffered a hairline skull fracture and writes that the helmet he was wearing probably saved his life.

I'm glad Moulton is recovering, and I hope he's able to get back on the bike soon. A friend of mine who was hit by a car several years ago was well over his physical injuries before he could even consider getting back on the bike.

While he writes many thought-provoking pieces at his blog, his two posts immediately before the accident carry eerie headlines: “What scares me more than reckless drivers” (about the lack of common courtesy on the road) and “Can't we all get along?” (about nearly getting sideswiped the previous day by an SUV).

The driver of the SUV in the injury case is charged with failure to yield. I'm sure we'll hear more about this.

Stop by and leave a comment at Dave Moulton's blog to wish him well.

Via Why Howard Laughed

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/12/09/dave-moultons-near-death-bicycling-experience/

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