Tip o' the helmet to fellow cyclist

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So I'm taking a photo of some political signs today, and I see this bike commuter emerge out of the rain.

He's got it going with his light and fenders and raingear, although it looks like he's wearing his work-a-day pants.

No matter. It's wet but not that cold. I don't know what the weather has been like around you, but here in the Pacific Northwest it has been raining. A lot.

Right now we're the beneficiaries of what's called the Pineapple Express. I never heard of it until we moved here. The old P.E. happens when a subtropical weather system — like from Hawaii — arrives at our doorstep, bringing 2 inches of rain a day and temperatures in the 50s or even 60s.

That means it's too warm for snow, even in the Cascades, and the rivers around here fill up and spill over their banks.

It's not so bad for cycling, though, once you get used to being wet. A lot of people pack away their bikes this time of year. If you like cycling and live in the Northwest, though, you just have to get used to it.

I tip my helmet to you, unknown bike commuter.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/11/07/tip-o-the-helmet-to-fellow-cyclist/

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