See Armstrong run on LanceCam. Run, Lance, run

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(Update: Nov. 5, 2006 “Lance Armstrong NYC Marathon results”)

Lance Armstrong takes to the streets of New York City on Sunday for the ING New York City Marathon.

I don't know if the 7-time Tour de France bike race winner chose to do this on a whim, or if it was sparked by a deal with his shoe sponsors. But outside of the world of marathon runners, he's probably the best known person in the field of 37,000.

That's why MediaZone is adding a special “LanceCam” to its live online coverage at its NBC Sports website. The “LanceCam” is a dedicated camera that will track Armstrong during the race. The website also features a “RunnerCam” that notifies online viewers when a runner wearing a bib number they've entered is passing one of three checkpoints and the finish.

The LanceCam is free for the first 30 minutes and that and the RunnerCam cost $4.99 after that. See details about LanceCam here.

If you don't want to watch 3-plus hours on the computer, NBC will broadcast a 1-hour highlights show beginning at 2 p.m. (EST) Sunday.

How will Armstrong do? Earlier he said he wants to finish in under 3 hours; 7-minute miles, would put him just over that mark. The race winner (Kenyan Paul Tergat is defending his title) is expected to complete the course in about 2 hours and 10 minutes.

The Discovery Channel pro cycling team fan site ( says Armstrong has turned to his former coach, Chris Carmichael, to help prepare for the race. Not able to get out for runs everyday, Armstrong is working out on a treadmill, as well as swimming, mountain biking and kayaking to increase core strength to offset the impact of running.

The starting time is 10:10 a.m. (EST) Sunday (9:05 a.m. for wheelchair and 9:35 for professional women). A 7-minute pace would put Armstrong across the finish at about 1:13 p.m.

Also — How Lance Armstrong prepares for the NYC Marathon

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