When late travel writer Eric Newby rode his bicycle

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Popular UK travel writer Eric Newby died at age 86 last week. The British adventurer, whose travelling experiences stretched back to 1938, at times included a bicycle in his treks.

NPR reported on Eric Newby's death and replayed a portion of an 1988 interview conducted after Newby and his wife, Wanda, had spent a “blustery winter” (is there any other kind?) cycling through Ireland.

After commenting they were geriatric cyclists (he would have been in his 60s), Newby said, “It required considerable guts on Wanda's part to sort of agree to do this bicycling bit around Ireland.”

The trip is chronicled in the Lonely Planet book “Round Ireland in Low Gear.” It's description:

“Eric and Wanda Newby explore Ireland by bicycle, are soaked by rain, fuelled by Guinness, and reveal a wealth of detail on Irish history, customs and people along the way.”

Sounds like a typical bicycle tour to me.

In a recently conducted interview, Wanda Newby tells NPR:

“He was very curious how the world worked… He wanted to see places and people. … The more impossible the country was to go to, the more it attracted him.”

More about Newby in The Times.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/10/25/when-late-travel-writer-eric-newby-rode-his-bicycle/

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