Disabled bike theft victim to get new wheels

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It looks like the Michigan stroke victim, whose specially adapted bicycle was stolen last week, will get a new bike.

The Grand Rapids woman had locked it up at a bus stop during work only to discover it was missing when she returned. The 21-speed Diamondback Wildwood was outfitted with two extra wheels for balance and baskets for carrying groceries.

Beth Bailey, 53, needs the adaptations because of strokes she suffered in 1980 and 2003.

A state Crime Victim Foundation will help replace the bike through donations, reports MLive.com. If more money is donated than is needed, donors will be asked if they want to help out other crime victims.

Donations may be sent to the Crime Victim Foundation, P.O. Box 16015, Lansing, MI 48901.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/10/23/disabled-bike-theft-victim-to-get-new-wheels/

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