Bike helmet debate in Austin sparks study

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See: Austin helmet study completed

They've stopped feuding about mandatory bicycle helmet use in Austin, at least for the time-being.

Two local hospitals in the adopted hometown of Lance Armstrong say they will conduct a year-long study of bicycle-accident head injuries beginning Nov. 1. They'll present the results to the City Council, which is considering an ordinance that would make helmet use mandatory.

What I took away from living in Texas for five years is that you don't tell anyone what to do. Not surprisingly, the mandatory helmet proposal drew “staunch” opposition from some cyclists, reports the Austin American-Statesman.

The study at 7 area hospitals run by Brackenridge Hospital and St. David's HealthCare will log whether bike accident victims who show up for treatment were wearing a helmet or not; determine whether a helmet would have reduced injuries; and track rehabilitation time and costs for those patients.

The study includes only those 18 and older, since younger bicyclists must where a helmet already.


The story quotes Mary Pat McKay, the director of the Center for Injury Prevention and Control at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.:

“It's nice if (Austin) wants to do a study, but there is already a preponderance of evidence that bicyclists should be wearing helmets.”  

The head of the Austin-based League of Bicycling Voters said helmets are good, but requiring people to use them will reduce bicycling rates because it tells people that bicycling is unsafe. Also, it diverts attention from other safety issues such as bike lanes and training cyclists and motorists.

The Texas Bicycle Coalition backs helmet use, but has side-stepped the Austin issue. “We all agree helmets are good, but what's the best way to get people to wear them?” asked Robin Stallings.

Where helmets are mandatory

According to, Dallas is the only city in Texas that requires helmets for all ages. Look here for a comprehensive list of all cities with mandatory helmet laws.

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