Gruesome bicycling accident book in the works

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What do they say… If it bleeds, it leads?

A US publisher is offering a $500 prize for the best pictures of people crashing on bicycles. The winner gets the picture on the cover of a book to be released in May 2007 — “Cycling's Greatest Misadventures.”

The offer comes from Solano Beach, California-based publisher Casagrande Press LLC. It's self-described as a “new literary press founded to promote quality non-fiction and fiction.”

Their previous nominee for quality literary publishing was “Surfing's Greatest Misadventures.”

According to a press release, the publisher:

“…is only accepting pictures of people crashing on bicycles. Do you have a wild shot of a bicycle crash, painful collision, or someone spilling over the handle bars of non-motorized bike?”

The winner gets $500 and a cover shot; 10 runners-up get $50 each and publication in the book.

Writers can contribute too, if they have a story about “cycling mishaps, disasters, deaths, comical pranks, crashes, bad judgment calls, misfortune, contest meltdowns, strange injuries,” etc.

Man, it's a weird world. I can't think of any reason to submit to or buy this book. Is it just me?

First seen in Bike Biz

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