Bicycling deaths rose 8% in 2005; alcohol involved in more fatalities

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Did it seem that you read more about bicycling deaths last year? That's because you did.

The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration reported this week that 784 “pedalcyclists” died in traffic accidents in 2005; that's an increase of 57 deaths over 2004.

While overall highway fatalities rose 1.4% in 2005, the 7.8% rise in cycling deaths clearly outstrips the national rate increase. A press release from NHTSA reports increases in motorcycle and pedestrian deaths, but gives no reason for the rising bicycle deaths.

Searching through the statistics in the 2005 NHTSA report, I noted a couple of categories that showed huge increases.

Blood alcohol content

Most shocking was the category for blood-alcohol content of cyclists killed in traffic accidents. Of the 784 cyclists who died in highway accidents, 181 had a blood-alcohol content of .08 or above — a 22% increase from 2004. Police consider a .08 blood-alcohol content as the threshold for “drunken driving” in motor vehicles in most states.

Further, the number of bicycling fatalities that involved alcohol — by either the cyclist or motorist — was up 10% to 281 in 2005.

In other words, 36% of all bicycling fatalities were alcohol related; 23% of all bicycling fatalities involved cyclists who could have been charged as “driving under the influence” had they been driving a motor vehicle.

Were cyclists at fault in those 181 fatalities in which their blood-alcohol content was above .08? I can't tell from the report. But we all know that drinking and driving impairs judgement and reaction times.

Other notable increases were those for bicycling fatalities between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. (considered nighttime), up 8.5% to 380 deaths and bicycling fatalities of men, up 8.3% to 684 in 2005.

For more information about alcohol-related driving, you can check the MADD website. Also, search through the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration report; it's a .pdf document. Use the search term “pedalcyclist.”

Other links regarding bicycle safety: League of American Cyclists, Bikes Belong, GhostCycle

US traffic deaths at highest level since 1990, Decatur Daily Democrat, Aug. 24

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