How isolated is Floyd Landis at the Tour de France?

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Facing the fourth and last climb in the grueling 113-mile Stage 16 from Bourg d'Oisans to La Toussuire, Tour de France leader Floyd Landis has one teammate in the group with him.

As Michael Rasmussen scampering up the mountains 7 minutes ahead, and Levi Leipheimer launching a chase, American yellow jersey holder Landis is surrounded by his rivals.

In the 30-man yellow jersey bunch, there's Landis and one other Phonak rider (Axel Merckx). Riding at the back of the bunch on the previous climb, they moved toward the front at the base of the La Toussaire.

Ready to pounce are:

4 riders from Caisse d'Epargne (Oscar Pereiro is in 2nd place, 10 seconds back in the standings);

5 riders from AG2R (Cyril Dessel is in 3rd place);

2 riders for Rabobank (including Denis Menchov in 4th place);

3 CSC riders (including 5th place Carlos Sastre), and;

5 riders on T-Mobile (including Andreas Kloden in 6th place)

2 riders of Davitamon Lotto (including Cadel Evans in 7th place).

Landis, the favorite to win the Tour de France, can't be feeling too comfortable as the race enters the final climb, an 11 1/2-mile climb up La Toussuire at an average 6% gradient.

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