Dates announced for Armstrong's RAGBRAI ride

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Lance Armstrong is keeping RAGBRAI in his schedule, although he's only riding “all or part” of one day — July 27.

On his arrival day, July 26, he'll speak at a celebration in the town square of Newton, the host city for RAGBRAI that night. The Des Moines Register says up to 30,000 people are expected.

The next day Armstrong rides all or part of the route from Newton to Morengo. It will be interesting to see how he navigates the 8,000 to 10,000 person peloton.

On July 28 the cancer survivor will testify at a hearing on cancer research funding assembled by Iowa Senator Tom Harkin. Armstrong wants Iowans to focus attention on cancer funding during the state's early presidential caucuses.

This year's ride runs from July 23 – 29.

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