Lance to France for the Tour de …

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Here's a bigger shock than the Stage 7 results on Saturday: Lance Armstrong says he's showing up to support the sport of cycling and his Discovery teammates for the final week of the Tour de France.

Didn't he say at one time that he never wanted to step foot in France again, or words to that effect?

Not now, Armstrong told the Austin American Statesman (says Eurosport):

“I'm not gonna run and hide like some other former champs might. With all that happened before the start, I feel as if the sport and even the event needs fans and supporters right now. It's not the time for me to run and hide. I need to stand up and say how great cycling and the racing is.” 

Nope. He's not hiding like… what former champs have run and hid?

Pantani? Well, he's dead. Ullrich? He's banned from racing right now. Riis? He's the CSC team manager at the Tour. Miguel Indurain? Hmmm. The shy and retiring Big Mig who won 5 Tours? He's the Spanish rep on UCI and a member of Spain's Olympic Committee. LeMond? Is he in hiding? I just saw him the other night on OLN.

Now Armstrong is going to subject himself to the glare of publicity from the world's press corps covering the final week of the first post-Lance Tour de France to come out in favor of cycling.

Maybe some former champs know when to stay out of the limelight.

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