Check the Tour de France on your cellphone

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If you can't follow live Tour de France coverage from a TV or on the internet, use your WAP-enabled cellphone. tells how to set up your cell to capture live feeds from CyclingNews and VeloNews when the Tour de France starts Saturday, and continuing through July 23.

The feeds are updated every couple of minutes toward the end of a race, very similar to the live updates on the websites. Coverage starts about 4 a.m. on the East Coast.

For CyclingNews, just enter the link into the browser on your handheld device or WAP browser enabled telephone.

It's a little more difficult to find the VeloNews updates everyday; WAPReview created a special “Cycling Live” screen to link to the VeloNews feed.

See “Where to watch the Tour de France” for other ways to keep up to date on the bike race.

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