Quote: The lonely life of a 44-year bike ride

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“You need female companionship sometimes, but this is another person. And that's too bad because you have to deal with another person. …

“I've had many little affairs. Now, it's more complicated: I'm 66, and on a bicycle, and I sleep in a tent …”

Relationships are always complicated. That's Heinz Stucke, the German cyclist who has pedaled 335,000 miles since 1962, talking to a reporter with the Guardian Unlimited. Stucke's bike was stolen in Portsmouth, UK, earlier this week. It's been stolen numerous times before, but always recovered.

When I initially wrote about Stucke's bicycle — it weighs about 50 pounds and he carries more than 80 pounds of gear — I was amazed at its mass. Yet that has its advantages.  He  says his  most frequent accident is being car-doored, and the door always suffers more damage than he does.

“Day 15,996: Bike stolen in Portsmouth. Day 16,000:  Nice ride with newspaper chap;” Guardian  Unlimited, May 13, 2006

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/05/13/quote-the-lonely-life-of-a-44-year-bike-ride/

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