Network name change: OLN vs. Versus

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When you plop down to watch Floyd Landis win the Tour de Georgia bike race on Cyclysm today (4-6 p.m. {ET})at the Outdoor Life Network, be informed that OLN is changing its name to Versus this fall.

Interesting that a network that originated with field and stream shows would take a word from ancient Latin as its new moniker.

OLN pres Gavin Harvey is quoted in Multichannel News:

“Versus works on every level of what we do: man versus man, man versus beast, team versus team, country versus country, from stick-and-ball sports to bull riding to field sports,” he said, adding that it hits “the essence of our network.”

Will it shorten it's name to Vs. on second reference?

I'm thinking they should rename their list of shows as well:

“Man versus Deer” (hunting)

“Man versus Smallmouth Bass” (fishing)

“Skinny man with huge lung capacity versus Gravity” (that would be the Alpe D'Huez stage of the Tour de France)

“Man versus Broken Steering Tube” (George Hincapie)

“Man versus Bull” (rodeo)

“Man versus Puck” (hockey)

The list goes on.

Via (another Latin word) TdF Blog

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