Bicycling movie quiz

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1. What Academy Award-nominated movie was based on an actual bicycle race in the US?

2. In what movie were the following words uttered: “Darn. I want some American food; I want French fries!” and “I sure miss playing basketball. I got depressed as hell when my athlete's foot and jock itch went away”?

3. What cycling-related movie featured Rossini's Barber of Seville in the soundtrack and a 1978 Masi Gran Criterium as a main prop?

Did you say “Breaking Away“? to all three? Correcto mundo!

Released in 1979, it's the story of four town residents fighting to gain recognition and compete in the Little 500 bike race at Indiana University. It's also about four youths trying to break out of their predetermined existence. The film lost out to Kramer vs. Kramer for best picture, but won for best screenplay (Steve Tesich).

Dave Stoller's dad, who has to put up with his son's embrace of the Italian lifestyle, issues the demand for American food after complaining about Italian “eenie” foods, zucchini, linguini and fettuchini. The David Stern character “Cyril” mentions his basketball career.

Dave Stoller (Dennis Christopher) rides a Masi in the film.

I rarely pass up an opportunity to plug my favorite film of all time. Why now? Because the Little 500 bike race is slated for Friday and Saturday, April 21 and 22, at Indiana University, in Bloomington.

In the movie, the four kids from town form a team, the Cutters, to take on the teams from the fraternities. Ever since the movie came out, there has been a Cutters team in the actual race, although it's now made up of students not affiliated with the Greek houses.

According to the IU press release, the Cutters have the post position this year in the men's division. There is also a women's race now.

The Little 500 bike race started in 1951 to raise scholarship money for working students. The races will be broadcast in high-definition television by HDNet. A  highlights show will be presented at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 23, on WISH-TV Channel 8 in Indianapolis, the press release says.

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