Catching up with some bike tour riders

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Climate change researcher, three family members on one bike, friend of firefighters. Let's update the adventures of some bicycle tourists who have appeared in Biking Bis over the past months.

David Kroodsma, the cycling climatologist, has pedaled through El Salvador and entered Hondorus — completing about one-third of his on his bike tour to the tip of South America.

The 26-year-old is making the bike ride to raise awareness about the dangers of climate change and how it will affect the Americas.

You might have read about him in the May 2006 issue of Bicycling magazine. He said people sometimes ask why he's talking to schools and the media in Latin America, which contributes only a small percentage of the greenhouse gases, compared to US consumers.

“I explain we have different roles to play. The US needs to lower its emissions; Latin America needs to figure out how to develop in a clean way,” he said.

He has reported on the effects of climate change on poor farmers, coral reefs, and monarch butterflies — among other topics — at his A Ride for Climate website. Also, there's a hair-raising narrative about two bicycling companions attacked by machete wielding bandits.

The Nunes family — Ron, Kate and Elizabeth, 6 — have just finished the sixth day of their bike ride from Florida to Washington state. They're taking the 5,200-mile ride on a Santana Cabrio triplet.

Reading their live journal — You Can Do Anything — at Crazy Guy on a Bike, I learned that Ray Charles went blind at age 7 in Greenville, Florida. I also was reminded that checking tire pressure is a good idea, because 35 psi can slow you down.

The 9/11 cyclist, Don Boehly recently was interviewed in the Nevada (Missouri) Daily Mailwhere he was staying, as usual, in a fire station. The 50-year-old handyman has been cycling, just about non-stop, since September 2004 to raise funds for the families of fallen firefighters, police officers and military.

His plan is to visit all 50 states on his bicycle — he's racked up over 17,000 miles already — then donate the bike in person to the New York City Fire Department.

His 9-11USA website tells where to donate to his causes, who sponsoring him, and where he last spent the night. Last night, he was in Paris, Tennessee.

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