Cyclists can make their own SUV commercials

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This is a lot of fun. Chevrolet has set up a video editing website where you can build your own commercial for the new Chevy Tahoe SUV using actual ad footage and inserting your own text.

It's a contest, and I suppose the winner's commercial is shown on TV. There's no chance that mine is eligible, though. The C.I.C.L.E. bicycling website had the idea to “subvert” the commercial challenge, adding a message that might not support the ideal SUV lifestyle.

Here's mine, along the theme of SUV vs. bicycle. C.I.C.L.E. took the tack of global warming. Others posted their creations as well at “Subvert  the Chevy Commercial Challenge.”

You can create a commercial and e-mail it to yourself, to me, to a friend. What the heck, join the contest while you're at it.

Here's the link to the challenge.

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