Bob Roll launches biking blog

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Bob “Tour DAY France” Roll is one of the newest members of the blogosphere.

The slightly twisted cycling commentator for Outdoor Life Network since 2000 is a former bike racer and author. Known as Bobke (Boob-ka), his new website comprises links to columns he's written for OLN, a Q and A, as well as his blog, entitled The Blog-ke.

I've always been a big fan of Roll on TV; my wife thinks he's ridiculous. He appeared slightly disheveled when he spoke at last year's Bike Expo in Seattle where I took this picture.

He explained why he constantly mispronounces Tour de France (to annoy the French) and why he thought Lance Armstrong would win the 2005 Tour.

His speaking engagement came shortly after Armstrong had announced he would make one more attempt at a Tour de France championship. Roll said he was grateful because that meant he had one more year of work on OLN.

Well, there's no Armstrong in the Tour this year, but OLN has brought back Roll and Paul Sherwen for a series of Sunday broadcasts leading up to the Tour this year, as well as daily reporting from the race.

Thanks to Spinopsys for finding this new blog.

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