Deadlines loom for cross-state bicycle tours

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Don't miss out on anymore week-long cross-state cycling tours.

The deadline to register for the Denver Post's Ride the Rockies has already passed. Sorry. And the Tour de Wyoming bike tour isn't taking any more applications.

But there is still time to sign up for RAGBRAI, the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. Forms are due April 1 to get in the lottery for 8,500 riders.

To check for this summer's week-long bicycle rides, see my list for 72 bike rides in 40 states. Most are week-long rides of 300 to 500 miles. Most are fully supported, meaning you ride your bike and roll out your sleeping bag in a high school gym or pitch your tent and the organizers take care of trucking your luggage from point to point and cooking your meals.

And most are operated either by bicycle clubs (like Cascade Bicycle Club's Ride Around Washington or One Less Car's Cycle Across Maryland) or non-profit groups like the Gateway Council of Hostelling International's Cycle Across Missouri.

In a few cases, where nothing much else is offered, I've included two-day charity rides, like the MS 150 bike rides. I've also included a few supported tours offered by private bike tour companies where no other rides are offered.

If you're interested in privately offered bicycle tours in the Pacific Northwest, I've compiled a list of companies at Pacific NW bike tour outfits.

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