Bicycling when sick

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There comes a point after I've been sick that I just get fed up with not getting any better.

I was achy, tired and suffered a two-pack-a-day smoker's cough for the past couple of weeks. I nursed myself along with plenty of fluids and rest, but the cough is still hanging on.

Figuring that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, I jumped on the bike and went out for about 8 miles today. I'm thinking maybe my lungs needed a little boost to clean out the crud and my heart could pump some of those toxins out of my system.

Now that I'm back home, I'm checking around on the web to see what the experts say about exercising when sick. Maybe I should have done that first.

For instance, Tanja Gardner over at Body Building for You (this isn't a regular site for me, it just turned up in Google) says if the symptoms are above the neck, go ahead an exercise at about 50% intensity. If they're below the neck, however:

“…it's better to skip your workout altogether and stay wrapped up in bed. Exercising with any of these symptoms diverts your body's much-needed resources from where they're needed to fight off your illness.”

Healthy Lifestyle at Washington State University says about the same thing; above the neck (sneezing, runny nose or sore throat), moderate exercise — like a walk — is OK.

Below the neck (extreme tiredness, muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, swollen lymph glands, or hacking cough) rest and avoid intense or moderate exercise until you feel better. And, once you start exercising, “limit the intensity and duration of your exercise sessions for a few days to give your body a chance to recover.”

Hmm. I wouldn't consider a 10-mile ride at about 14 mph strenuous, and I've dosed up on vitamin C. Right now, I feel better than I've felt in a couple of weeks.

Does anyone else have any ideas or home remedies? I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who is suffering through this late winter malaise.

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