Full report on Bush's bike crash in Scotland last summer

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Those dogged Scottish journalists finally have dug up the official police reports on President Bush's collision with a constable while he was enjoying a bike ride last summer. Apparently Bush lost control of his bike while waving.

The Scotsman reports that a contingent of Scottish constables were dispatched to control traffic at an intersection while Bush went for a ride on his mountain bike one evening on wet pavement during the G8 Summit in July.

The report in The Scotsman states:

“As the President passed the junction at speed he raised his left arm from the handlebars to wave to the police officers present while shouting “Thanks, you guys, for coming.”

“As he did this he lost control of the cycle, falling to the ground, causing both himself and his bicycle to strike (the officer) on the lower legs. (The officer) fell to the ground, striking his head.”

“The president continued along the ground for approximately five metres, causing himself a number of abrasions…”

Bush later told reporters: “It just goes to show that I should act my age.”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/02/27/full-report-on-bushs-bike-crash-in-scotland-last-summer/

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