Catching up with Lance Armstrong

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No, Lance Armstrong hasn't fallen off the radar since he announced his break-up with Sheryl Crow last week. Here are a few headlines about Armstrong in the past few days:

Lance Armstrong pulls out of Grammys — KGET TV

Armstrong didn't want to run into his ex fiance at the event; he was scheduled to be a presenter.

American Century announces partnership with Lance Armstrong — Kansas City Star

The investment company made a three-year deal to sell mutual funds in a new series called LiveStrong portfolios. Advertising will feature Armstrong and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

To publicize the deal, workers hung an eight-story high portrait of Armstrong on the company's headquarters. Big Brother is watching!

How did the Reuters version of this story identify Armstrong on first reference — “celebrity cyclist.” So much for 7-time Tour de France champion, cancer survivor, or Sheryl Crow's fiance.

Lance Armstrong biopic tells it like it is — Defamer

Frank Marshall, the producer/director who is filming the Armstrong biopic, says he's not making “a puff piece.” But the Armstrong in the movie — Matt Damon — won't have to confront the doping allegations; it's not in the script. “With the doping allegations omitted, it falls to Marshall to find controversy elsewhere in order to fulfill his radical style of anti-“puff piece” filmmaking,” the Defamer says.


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