Another attack on cyclist, this time in Toronto

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Right on the heels of news and film of a bus passenger punching a cyclist in Portland comes these pictures of a motorist from Toronto attacking a female bicycle courier and her bike.

I know the bus pictures are a year old and the Toronto assault happened recently, but things are getting insane.

According to an account from the courier, the guy in the picture had thrown some food out of his car, and the bike courier saw fit to open his car door and give it back to him. The guy jumps out, assaults her, and she (on purpose or by accident) keys his car. Bystanders pull him off and he's encouraged to leave, drives about a half block, and comes back to stomp her bike, which is when people started taking pictures.

This photo (by hool) and more are posted at CityNoise. Good luck getting on. It took three tries Sunday night; 68,000 already had checked out the posts in a four-day span.

In her comments, Leah (the bicycle courier) says she didn't press charges because she, in turn, would have been charged with criminal mischief because of the keying.

“So in the interests of good karma (and my own sanity) I have opted to “let it go” and allow the universe to repay this anger management case in its own way.”

There are lots of comments on this one. Who's to blame. Who assaulted whom. He should be in jail. She deserved it. The whole thing's a fake, etc. etc. One of the most appropriate was from a cyclist who returned some litter to a motorist, was threatened, got a license number and called the cops:

“The cop was great, he sympathized with my moral outrage and said that he also cycled. He said that even he never confronts people when he is offduty. Too dangerous.”

There you go, the voice of experience. Heed it.


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