Quote: Handcycles buff up cyclists' upper body

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“If you're a traditional cyclist and you ride using your legs, your upper body turns into matchsticks. So when you're suddenly requiring your chest and your arms and your back to move your whole body, you realize just how weak those muscles are.”

Corey Cartwright, the owner of Seven Corners Bike and Fitness, a bicycle shop in Portland, talking about handcycles. One brand of handcycle, Freedom Ryder, is made by Mike Lofgren and Brian Stewart at the Tualatin, Oregon-based company. Originally made for paraplegics, people with control of all their limbs are jumping on handcycles to build upper body strength.

“Good with your hands? This is the cycle for you.” The Oregonian, Jan. 26, 2006

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/01/28/quote-handcycles-buff-up-cyclists-upper-body/

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