Bode Miller spouts off about Lance Armstrong

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(Update: Miller backpedals on Armstrong comments, Olympics Mania, Feb. 6, 2006)

US Olympic skiing hopeful Bode Miller is sounding just like another guy down at the end of the bar after a long night.

In a Rolling Stone interview, Miller suggested cyclist Lance Armstrong and home run hitter Barry Bonds took performance-enhancing drugs.

“Right now, if you want to cheat, you can: Barry Bonds and those guys are just knowingly cheating, but there's all sorts of loopholes. If you say it has to be 'knowingly,' you do what Lance (Armstrong) and all those guys do, where every morning their doctor gives them a box of pills and they don't ask anything, they just take the pills.”

This does not come from the voice of authority. I'd be surprised  if Miller and Armstrong had ever been  in the same room together, much less discussed doping.

Armstrong has probably been tested more than anyone in the sport. Until someone has a positive test that can be fairly verfied, Miller, TdF's Jean-Marie Leblanc, doping agency head Dick Pound and the rest of them just sound like schoolchildren trying to get attention on the playground.


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