Quote: Cycling and coffee (I)

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“Bikes and coffee always go together. When you travel on bike rides, there are three things you immediately find in any town: 1) a coffee shop 2) a Laundromat and 3) a bar. Coffee companies sponsor pro bike-racing teams. Culturally, coffee and bikes are very similar.”

Bruce Herman, owner of the Neighborhood Transportation bike shop in Winston-Salem, explaining why he got together with Krankie's Coffee Bar to create a mobile coffee stand powered by recumbent bicycle. Herman supplied the 'bent, Krankie's supplied the coffee equipment and The Werehouse communal arts group put it all together.

“A Bicycle Built for Beans,” Winston-Salem Journal, Jan. 19, 2006

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/01/21/quote-cycling-and-coffee-i/

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