New bicycle touring club in Seattle

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Looking for a bike ride? Check out the new cycling group in town, the Seattle Bicycle Touring Club.

Even with more than a dozen cycling clubs already in the Seattle area, there's always room for one more.

About six months old and 100 members strong, the Seattle Bicycle Club sponsors at least one ride opportunity a week for beginning, social and intermediate riders.

Meanwhile, the SBTC website is a treasure trove for recreational cyclists in the area. There are more than 100 maps and cue sheets for area rides, 60 starting point map pages, links to other online bike maps in the Northwest and a list of cycling maps books.

The website also contains an archive of 40 cycling articles published over the years by the League of American Cyclists.

The detailed maps and cue sheets were compiled by the group's 15 ride leaders and converted into downloadable .pdf files. More rides and maps have been suggested over the months by the club's cyclists, who also update any route changes that might be required by construction or increased traffic volumes.

The club designs the weekly rides so they're available for multiple experience levels; for instance routes with the same starting point that branch off into flat or hilly loops.

Although some rides follow routes close-in to Seattle, others take in the Columbia Gorge, Bellingham, Vancouver, Snohomish and the like. Here are the links to the club's weekly bike schedule, future rides, and future outings. Members help choose which rides and outings are added to the future lists and put on the active schedule.

So far there's no membership requirement to participate in a ride, just show up with a smile and a helmet.


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