Japanese cyclist gets a roof over his head

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When Jun Nakagawa pedaled his bicycle into Lake Isabella region on California, he had no idea someone was watching him.

Darrell Humphrey says he saw the 28-year-old Japanese bicycle tourist pedaling up a canyon road, and when he and his wife spotted him at a campground they asked if he'd like to get out of the weather for a couple of days.

He agreed and spent a few days at Humphrey's home where he went fishing and was interviewed by the Kern Valley Sun.

Nakagawa, from Nara, Japan, is 7,000 miles into his bicycle journey from Alaska to Argentina. He started his tour in June, and plans to take in Death Valley and the Grand Canyon before leaving the US.

So what kind of high carbo Japanese foods does Nakagawa stoke up on?

“Usually spaghetti. Easy to cook and cheap to eat.”


Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2005/12/22/japanese-cyclist-gets-a-roof-over-his-head/

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