No Lance at 2006 Tour de France

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This sounds odd, but Lance Armstrong says he won't appear at the 2006 Tour de France, even though he'll be in France.

The 7 time Tour de France winner says he won't appear along the route, even though he's an advisor to the Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team.

I suppose Armstrong's nose is out of joint over the L'Equipe's allegations that he doped up on EPO for the 1999 Tour. In an interview in the Belgian publication Het Nieuwsblad, Armstrong said the French have been out on a witch hunt against him.

Maybe so. Even though Armstrong broke the Tour record with six straight victories in 2004, he came back and trumped it with seven this past summer.

When the 2006 Tour route was announced recently, the organizers didn't even mention Armstrong's name, but talked about how the Tour's black mark will be erased next year. 

Who was the last Frenchman to win the Tour de France? Oh, we have to go back 20 years to Bernard Hinault to 1985. Maybe the French are jealous.

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