Ban bicycle baby carriers from Washington roads?

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Washington State Sen. Jim Honeyford has prefiled a bill that restricts the use of bicycle baby carriers on roads in the state.

Labeled SB 6142, the bill reads:

A person shall not operate a bicycle attached to an occupied baby carrier on a street or other public roadway, unless the bicycle is operated within a city or town that prohibits the operation of bicycles on the sidewalk adjacent to the street or other roadway.

I emailed the senator's office a couple of days ago for some clarification, but haven't received a response. Specifically, I asked whether this pertains to occupied bike trailers or the carriers that sit over the rear wheels of bicycles. Also, I asked for some justification regarding the bill.

Essentially, this forces cyclists towing kids onto sidewalks, which has long been proven a more dangerous place to ride.

The bill is also posted at the Washington Votes website; look for the excellent critique by Bellevue bicycling advocate Claire Petersky who reasons the bill would actually endanger cyclists, children and pedestrians.

Honeyford is chairman of the Republican Caucus and has been named a top legislator by the business and agricultural communities in the state. A farmer in the Yakima Valley, many of the bills he sponsors deal with agriculture. He's also written bills that authorize RV logos on highway signs and increase penalties for motorists who intentionally fail to yield to emergency vehicles. You can email Honeyford with your thoughts.

Thanks to Cyclelicious for coming across this gem.

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