On a bike and no pants … I've had this dream

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This reminds me of a dream I once had before a century ride. You know, like one of those anxiety dreams about showing up to school in your underwear.

Oh. You've never had one of those either? Just me?

From Channel 4 in Jacksonville:

“Orange Park man seen riding bicycle with no pants”

(Actually, it's the man without the pants, not the bike)

A 40-year-old Orange Park man was arrested Friday afternoon after several residents along Doctors Lake Drive reported seeing him riding a bicycle naked from the waist down.

Witnesses saw the guy riding down Doctors Lake Drive wearing only a T-shirt. He held a pair of shorts over his groin.

According to police, one of the witnesses — in the interest of justice — followed the guy to Hideaway Trailer Park (I don't make this stuff up) where police arrested the cyclist for breach of the peace.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2005/12/13/on-a-bike-and-no-pants-ive-had-this-dream/

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