Five LiveStrong rides planned for 2006

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(UPDATE: Jan. 2, 2006 — Lance Armstrong Foundatoin announced locations, dates of rides) Lance Armstrong may have retired from cycling, but his foundation is working harder than ever — five LiveStrong rides are in the planning stages for 2006.

New cities being talked about for next year's bike rides include Denver, someplace in the Northeast, possibly Hartford, and a location in Southern California, possibly in Southern California.

The Lance Armstrong Foundation held two one-day bicycle tours in 2005 that will be repeated in 2006, the Ride for the Roses in Austin and the inaugural LiveStrong Portland.

The foundation is releasing details on Jan. 2, 2006. If you want to make sure you get the full scoop, leave your name at the LAF contact form web page.

Expanding to five fund-raising rides in 2006 could bring in millions more for cancer research and awareness programs that the foundation funds.

The 6,000-some riders in the 9th annual Ride for the Roses raised a record $7.4 million this year. The LiveStrong Portland ride drew 3,500 cyclists who raised $1.3 million.

By the way, if you're looking for a job change, LAF is seeking production, recruitment and coach coordinators in those cities for the upcoming rides. Check for details.


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