Face-to-face on Colorado bike event limits

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Three Colorado state legislators will sit down with State Police head Mark Trostel to discuss his order limiting the size of organized bicycle events at 2,500 riders, VeloNews reports.

Not surprisingly, all three legislators are cyclists.

The bike rider cap would kill the 7,000-strong Elephant Rock Bicycle Festival and might prevent some fund-raising rides, such as the Lance Armstrong Foundation's LiveStrong ride planned for Denver in 2006.

Trostel says he doesn't have the manpower to keep the cycling events safe; he usually assigns 1 motorcycle officer for every 3,000 cyclists.

Meeting with Trostel will be Rep. Michael Merrifield, D-Manitou Springs, Rep. Terrance Carroll, D-Denver, and Sen. Greg Brophy, R-Wray. Said Wray:

“Nobody likes bureaucrats who make rules from behind their desks wiithout consulting the people who are impacted.”

Organizers from several of the rides are expected to attend as well. Bicycle advocates have said the limit would make bicyclists feel unwelcome.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2005/12/02/face-to-face-on-colorado-bike-event-limits/

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