Colorado limits bike ride numbers

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(UPDATED Nov. 30)The high sheriffs at the Colorado State Patrol have decreed that organized bike rides will be limited to 2,500 riders.

The Rocky Mountain News reported that State Patrol Chief Mark Trostel is setting the limit for safety. “As our resources are finite in comparison to the levels of those who wish to participate in an event, we cannot safely control and accommodate a number beyond 2,500 riders.” Trostel said one motorcycle officer is assigned per 300 cyclists.

The advocacy group Bicycle Colorado issued an action alert, available online at Cyclelicious. Bicycle Colorado is seeking petition signatures from voting age Colorado residents.

In the alert, Bicycle Colorado says:

“The 2,500 cap is subjective and may be changed at any time by the State Patrol. If tomorrow they decide that 500 is a “safer” number, amazing rides are at risk…”

Dan Grunig, director of Bicycle Colorado, said the directive would make Colorado one of the nation's most restrictive states and send a message that cyclists aren't welcome there.

Update — At least one bike ride, the Compass Bank Elephant Rock Bicycle Festival, will simply go away. It draws some 6,800 cyclists. The MS 150 expects about 3,000 riders next year and the Triple Bypass expected 3,500, reports the Rocky Mountain News.


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