Trike into bike one of Time's amazing inventions

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I did a double-take when I saw the cover of the latest Time magazine. There is a picture of the SHIFT, the tricycle that turns into a bicycle as it rolls faster.

Time had judged the tricycle one of most amazing inventions of 2005. My blog covered the Purdue University student project back in April after it took the first prize in the International Bicycle Design Competition in Taiwan.

The three designers explained the tri-bicycle, called the SHIFT, is a three-wheeler when it's standing still or going slow. As it speeds up, the two rear wheels shift inward to form one wheel. The trike bike would be ideal for kids who are learning to ride.

The 3 designers are Scott Shim, an assistant professor, Ryan Lightbody, who now works at Strategix Vision in Seattle, and Matt Grossman. They're looking to produce it commercially.

More about the SHIFT on the cover at the Purdue Exponent.


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