California cyclist warns about climate change through Americas

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David Kroodsma is a cyclist who is preaching what he practices.

The climate researcher at Stanford plans to spend the next year and a half on his bicycle, touring down the Pacific Coast from California to the tip of Argentina.

Along the way, he plans to talk to other scientists, school students, and anyone else he encounters about global warming and how the car culture and high energy use is changing the climate. He wants his trip to raise awareness about what global warming is doing to the Americas.

He's posting his journal at his website, A Ride for Climate.

The 26-year-old is no stranger to bicycle touring. He's ridden from Portland to Stanford, over the Sierras to Las Vegas, and along desolate roads in southern Alaska. In 2003, he and his father rode cross-country from Virginia to Oregon.

According to an article on the Knight-Ridder wire, something he noted on those bike tours is that people generally aren't threatened by someone on a bike, they're curious. He's hoping that will help break the ice so he can get his message across.

He left the Bay Area on Saturday and visited the scientists at the Stanford marine research station in Monterey on Monday, according to his journal.

When he's done, he will have bicycled some 13,000 miles through Mexico and Central America, through South America to the tip of Argentina.

On the “climate” section of his website, Kroodsma says he'll be passing through some of the countries that could be hardest hit by global warming. “These tropical countries are already warm, and they have fewer resources to adapt to changing environments.”

He's urging people to donate to groups that are fighting global warming, change their habits, and join an environmental groups. His suggestions are posted at his website.


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