Former Mrs. Lance Armstrong running, not bicycling

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Have you ever wondered what life must be like for the Kristin Armstrong, the 34-year-old former wife of Lance Armstrong?

Lance's picture seems to be everywhere; if not decked out in his Discovery Channel Pro Cycling team gear during the Tour de France, then he's posing with fiancee rock-star Sheryl Crow. They even appear together on Oprah! Then Crow's new CD comes out and she's everywhere promoting it.

The Dallas Morning News has tracked down Kristin down for an interview. The reporter learned she's into running fast marathons (she finished the Chicago marathon in 3 hours 35 minutes, which qualifies her for the Boston Marathon).

She also is getting back to her Catholic roots, staying around her family, enjoying joint custody of twins Grace and Isabelle, 4, and 6-year-old Luke. She's also working on a daily devotional book for women recovering from divorce.

Kristin said she faced a choice when she and Lance divorced in 2003. Her decision on putting her life back together became clear after she asked herself:

“How do I want my kids to see me years later, looking back? How do I want them to reflect on who their mother is as a woman? And so the choices build up to that, every single one of them. And to me, that's huge.”

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