Defendant ready for trial in death of Utah cyclist

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(Update Nov. 9; Case postponed to Dec. 20 as lawyer has conflict with another case)

The driver of an SUV charged with class A misdemeanor negligent homicide in the death of a Utah cyclist is ready to defend herself in court.

The Salt Lake Tribune reports the trial of Elizabeth Deseelhorst, 66, will begin in about 2 weeks. She allegedly was behind the wheel of the SUV that struck Josie Johnson, 25, in Big Cottonwood Canyon last year.

The cyclist's death in 2004 caused a public outcry that led to passage of a law (House Bill 49) that requires motor vehicles to provide a safe distance when passing a bicycle on a road; at least 3 feet in allowable situations.

Last month, about 1,000 cyclists pedaled from up Big Cottonwood Canyon in the second annual Josie Johnson Memorial Ride, sponsored by the Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee.

A three-day jury trial is scheduled to begin Nov. 16 for Deseelhorst, whose husband owns the Solitude Ski Resort.


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