Sideways Bike captures attention at UK show

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Michael Killian introduced his Sideways Bike invention to the world this weekend.

Will biking ever be the same? Probably so.

The engineer from Dublin, Ireland, displayed the bicycle with independently steerable front and rear wheels at the annual British Invention Show in the UK.

An enterprising reporter from Reuters mentioned it in his invention show story, along with a Viagra-like patch for women and a coolbag that works like a refrigerator. The dispatch has been picked up by newspapers around the world; now millions know about Killian's bike.

The cyclist sits on Killian's bike facing sideways, but travels forward much like a snowboarder or skateboarder. Killian told the Reuters reporter:

“The beauty of this is that it has absolutely no purpose except fun.”

Killian has said there was really no problem in developing the bicycle. It worked from the beginning; he's just been improving it with different models.

The photo from his website ( at top shows the most recent version of the sideways bike; at right it is an earlier version.

At his website, Killian says the audience for the sideways bike would probably be teenagers to adults. For as long as the bicycle has been around, Killian asks, “Don't you think it's time for a change?”


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