Cycling volunteer nears Louisiana destination

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I just received an email from Helen Roberts, the Colorado cyclist who is riding her bicycle to Baton Rouge to raise funds and awareness for the victims of last month's hurricanes.

Once she arrives, she plans to volunteer with the Red Cross. Here's what she has to say:

“Yes, the ride has been amazing, and embarrassingly easy, with the exception of a few headwinds. It didn't even rain !!!!!

“However, the real story begins now. As I get closer to the devastation, I am realizing that
I have no idea, how bad this all is. It's bad.

“I arrive on Tuesday. Hopefully I can get trained with the Red Cross quickly and start helping out.

“Thanks for your thoughts and for the letter.”

Donations to Helen's efforts can be made to Wells Fargo bank in Aspen, Colorado, through her website, The Heart Ride.

Best of luck, Helen, and we wish you great success.

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