Free bicycles to stranded Santa Cruz bus passengers

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Abandoned at the bus stop by the Santa Cruz Metro drivers' strike? Pick up a free bicycle.

The city will begin handing out 100 free bikes on Monday at the Metro Center to residents who can't get around because of a 10-day-old strike.

The Santa Cruz Sentinel says the city will give away lost or stolen bicycles that have been turned in to police. The city has 350 such bikes in storage, although many are rusted and in disrepair.

The bike giveaway idea came from Micah Posner, head of the Santa Cruz Hub for Sustainable Transportation. He told the City Council that Metro drivers will help fix up and distribute the bicycles; he's seeking other volunteers to help repair the bikes on Friday and Saturday as well.

Every city can use a place like the Hub. The group serves as a resource center for all types of human-powered transportation.

For instance, its Bike Church is a fully stocked bike shop where anyone can go for do-it-yourself bike repairs for a small fee ($5 an hour). It's also involved in creating a support group for the Santa Cruz Coastal Rail Trail and weighs in on other community bike and transportation projects.

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