And the most bicycle friendly city in the US is …

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Davis, California. The League of American Bicyclists recognized the city as its only platinum-level Bicycle Friendly Community on Wednesday.

Why Davis, you ask? Is it because the city features that cool highwheeler in its logo?

League of American Bicyclists executive director Andy Clarke says 17 percent of journeys to work are made by bicycle. Davis has more than 100 miles of streets with bike lanes, trails, and other bicycle routes; 25 grade-separated intersections to keep bike and motorists apart; thousands of bicycle parking spaces, and has appointed a Bicycle Advisory Committee.

Here's a Davis bike map. As you can see, the bike routes are quite extensive.

Right now, there are 52 cities in the program with a healthy representation from the Pacific Northwest. Gold level cities include Corvallis and Portland, Oregon; silver level cities include Eugene, Oregon, and Olympia, Washington. Bronze communites include Ada, Idaho; Ashland, Beaverton, and Bend, Oregon; and Redmond and Vancouver, Washington. All 52 cities are mentioned at the Bicycle Friendly Community website.


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