Armstrong and Bush saddle up

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So fellow Texans Lance Armstrong and George Bush took their bicycle ride Saturday, cycling about 17 miles around the President's ranch in Crawford, Texas.

No press allowed, just staff and Secret Service. Armstrong's sponsor, the Discovery Channel, also had a crew present to film the event for a program to air next week.

Neither Armstrong nor Bush spoke to reporters, although White House spokesman Trent Duffy gave out some details of the bicycle trek, reports the AP.

At the end of the 2-hour ride, Bush handed out T-shirts that said “Tour de Crawford” on the front and “Peloton One” on the back. Bush also handed out red, white, and blue riding socks emblazoned with the presidential seal.

And I love this part. What does Bush, who has been criticized repeatedly for spending so much of his presidency at his ranch, say after the gift ceremony?

“Now, back to business.” No. “Thanks Lance, now I have to go solve the mess in the Middle East.” No. “You can hang around, but I have a meeting with Donald Rumsfeld.” No.

According to the AP:

After the presentation, Duffy said, they posed for pictures and the president announced, “OK, let's go swimming.”

More on Bush's vacation lifestyle is available at the Washington Post and USA Today.


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