Armstrong mobbed in Colorado

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Lance Armstrong's appearance at a fitness club in Lowry, Colorado, drew more than 1,500 spectators on Wednesday.

The Rocky Mountain News reported that one Armstrong fan showed up at 6 a.m. to see the recently retired 7-time Tour de France champion. Others showed up later in the afternoon and many left work early, so many that the fire department closed the doors to the club.

He was interviewed by some cable networks before his appearance. The News reported that he was asked who will win next year's Tour:

“Either Ivan Basso or Jan Ullrich will win next year, but I've never been good at predicting cycling. … But don't rule out a guy like George Hincapie.”

(UPDATE: On Thursday Armstrong appeared at the annual Trek Bicycle dealer show. He spoke to about 2,000 bike professionals. Later, Trek president John Burke said Armstrong would help design and develop bikes for the company, reported the Wisconsin State Journal.)

Other upcoming Armstrong appearances:

1. There's the mountain bike ride with President Bush at the ranch in Crawford, Texas, on Saturday;

2. The LiveStrong ride in Portland on Sept. 25, which is booked, but the route is open for spectators;

3. Tour of Hope finale Oct. 8, in Washington DC;

4. Ride for the Roses in Austin, on Oct. 21-23;

5. Nu-Skin's 2005 convention Oct. 7 at Salt Palace and Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.


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