Lance and George going for a bike ride

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Lance Armstrong says he's going to head over to the president's ranch in Crawford, Texas, on Saturday and go for a bike ride with the Bicyclist in Chief.

George W. Bush has become an ardent cyclist ever since he had to give up running after knee surgery a few years ago. Bush on a bike — at least one is a $2,700 Trek given to him by the company's owner, John Burke — has been in the news a few times in the past year.

There's the time in May the Secret Service evacuated the White House when they thought it was under attack, but no one told Bush until he was finished with his bike ride out in the Maryland suburbs. Then in July Bush accidentally smacked into a police officer while riding his bike.

Armstrong told about his upcoming bike date with the President during his appearance on ABC's “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” on Sunday. He also urged the need to spend more money on cancer research.

A member of the President's Cancer Panel, Armstrong was quoted by the AP:

 ''I think we could spend more money. I think we could spend our money in different places. And I think we could spend our money where it matters to the American people.”

In the past Armstrong has said that the money going to the war in Iraq could be better spent working on cancer research at home.

They might not have a lot of time to talk about Iraq, cancer and other topics while they're cycling next weekend.

“I know people who have ridden with him,” Armstrong said. “I can tell you he's one very competitive guy. Very competitive, there's no talking. A few minutes of warm up time, a little chitchat, then you go.”

What is Bush's riding style? Very aggressive, according to reporters who accompanied him on a ride around his Crawford Ranch recently. Here's an account posted on Red Nova of a USA Today reporter who joined in the ride with Bush.

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