Bike to work? Win a bicycle from BikeTown USA

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The BikeTown USA project is offering 50 free bicycles to commuters in Seattle and 9 other metropolitan areas in the US.

All you have to do is explain — in 50 words or less — how using a bicycle to commute to and from work would change your life.

Are there any strings attached? Yep. The winners must agree to use the bicycle as a primary means of commuting from home to work from the end of April to the end of July, then be prepared to have their story told in Bicycling magazine.

BikeTown USA is bike giveaway project sponsored by Bicycling magazine publishers Rodale, component maker Shimano, and financial concern TIAA CREF. Some residents of Redmond benefited from that program last year and were featured in the March 2005 issue of Bicycling along with riders in other cities.

In addition to Seattle, other cities are Denver, Madison, Minneapolis, Orange County, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, and Washington DC.

What kind of bike and equipment do you get? The BikeTown website hasn't shared that information yet. Last year, the program gave out Giant Sedonas to the Redmond riders.

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