Not all Trek bicycles are “Made in the USA”

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Where does Wisconsin-based Trek make most of its bicycles? Asia, of course.


In an interview in, former Trek exec Mary Burke said 80% of Trek bicycles are made abroad, mostly in Asia. That shouldn't be a surprise. The Washington Post reported in an article about the demise of Schwinn that more than 90% of all bicycles sold in the US are made overseas.


Burke is the daughter of Trek founder Richard Burke and a former vice president of finance for the family-controlled company.


Trek's high-end bicycles, such as the ones Lance Armstrong rides to his Tour de France victories, are still made in the US, though, and account for half of the company's $500 million in annual sales.


Trek is trying to turn the tide. WisBusiness says Trek is  preparing to make its first shipment of high-quality US-made bicycles to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />China.

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